Face Procedures

Surgeries performed by facial plastic surgeon Dr. Natalie Attenello in Beverly Hills, CA.

Patient 21

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Individual results may vary.

Patient 22

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This patient felt her forehead was too high and wanted to lower her hairline. She underwent a one-stage forehead reduction/hairline lowering procedure. Here she is before and after the procedure.

Individual results may vary.

Patient 23

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Individual results may vary.

Patient 24

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Individual results may vary.

Patient 25

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Individual results may vary.

Patient 26

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This patient felt her forehead was too high and wanted to lower her hairline, soften her hairline shape, and bring in the naturally recessed temples. She underwent a one-stage forehead reduction/hairline lowering procedure for a softer, more balanced result.

Individual results may vary.

Patient 27

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Individual results may vary.

Patient 28

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Individual results may vary.

Patient 29

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Individual results may vary.

Patient 30

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This patient was bothered by her high forehead and deep recessions in the temples. She underwent a one-stage forehead reduction/hairline lowering surgery with a browlift for a more balanced and natural result.

Individual results may vary.

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